As a highly accomplished Entrepreneur, Dog Behaviour Expert and Founder of Positive K9 Training. My interests lie in fostering high-performance teams, helping businesses grow faster, setting new industry standards in dog training and education, and developing innovative digital solutions that provide real value to businesses. As an industry leader, I create impactful solutions with refined business acumen to develop digital strategies that ultimately increase brand awareness, profitability, and commercial performance. Furthermore, I have expansive experience scaling disruptive business models into new markets while fostering strategic partnerships and driving a culture of cross-functional teamwork and collaboration. With 13+ years of experience as a world-renowned Dog Behaviour Expert and Professional Dog Trainer, I leverage the foundations of canine behavioural science and hands-on experience to meet the unique needs of each of my clients, offering personalised dog training solutions in a positive first approach. I also hold a nationally recognised dog behaviour and training qualification from the National Dog Trainers Federation and have seasoned experience in training assistance dogs, substance detection training, complex skills and tricks, class instruction and bespoke solutions to suit business needs and personal objects. After more than a decade of providing comprehensive dog training, education, and corporate and digital solutions, I relentlessly continue to drive value for the clients, canines, and communities I serve and represent.

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