Shaun Banks


Last seen: 16 Dec 2022

Shaun SF. Banks often says: “What drives me is knowing that what I do comes from God. I had ZERO passion for working with kids before all this started. My heart was turned, and I've been on fire ever since.” SF. has been involved in the youth development industry for over 20 years, focusing on developing youths’ self-confidence and self-efficacy. As a result, SF excels at motivating kids to go after their dreams and educating families on effective ways to produce the best version of their children. In 2007, SF opened the I AM Defense institute against profound disinterest in working with children. Since that time, he has developed a passion for creating personal development systems for youth. SF is the creator of Camp Warrior King, which helps thousands of youth gain exposure to entertaining activities, "You Can Have IT ALL!" Youth conferences, "You Can Have It ALL!" Youth motivational Development Magazine, The Team Hott SAWCE development characters, and other development tools for children. SF is also the author of 3 books on personal development topics. One of SF.'s big passions is the "You Can Have IT All!" orphanage in Bombo, Uganda, where he currently supports over 30 children with shelter, food, and school supplies.

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