Jim Schneider


Last seen: 24 Mar 2023

A writer, husband, father to two young children, Jim Schneider has worked as an editor and writer for numerous national magazines in a variety of subject areas, including sustainability, architecture, construction, education, and sports. Today he is the executive director of a regional construction trade association in Denver, has a passion for sustainable design and construction, and educates architects and engineers in the mountain states. When COVID-19 came on the scene and the world shut down, Jim started a blog called Ps & Q: Parenting, Productivity & Quarantine. From March of 2020 through June of 2021, he posted each day his experiences and perspectives on being a working parent navigating difficult times for his kids, his family, his job and the world in general. During the pandemic Jim’s son Henry was identified as being autistic, inspiring his whole family to educate themselves about neurodiversity and the challenges often faced by individuals with disabilities. Jim now writes about disability parenting topics for publications including Colorado Parent magazine. Jim lives in Denver with his wife, Erin, and children Amelia and Henry. He continues to write about parenting and disability support.

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