Kez has a passion for life and an incredible desire to encourage all to tell their own story. Hence her passion for mentoring other creatives and giving written & video book reviews. Once Kez had made that simple decision that an author was who she was meant to be, where she felt so comfortable, as a storyteller, it was simple. She then embraced the many roads of authorship that were opened to her. She has become an award-winning best seller in the Genre of Paranormal Adventure. A Trilogy writer in adventure / paranormal plus co-created an anthology book with her publisher MMHpress. Kez has written two children’s books that were received by two Royal families. Kez has been an invited guest/speaker to attend retreats in Ako Japan as an Ambassador for creative arts, and Crom Castle Ireland as a guest speaker on her journey of creative writing. Resulting in two anthologies being created by many authors in different countries promoting the gifted creatives we have here in Rockingham and surrounds. Kez has her own book review page on Facebook and YouTube every week on Facebook. Apart from the business side of life, in 2020 Kez enjoyed giving back to her global writer’s community on a volunteer basis with Rare Birds. Her books are displayed in the Rockingham visitors center and in the KMD bookshop Rockingham as well as on many digital platforms and libraries. Kez is also an active member of different community projects. Recently signing a contract with the Lyrical infusion movie company, the anthology in the book Scribe proved to be of interest to them, which is now a short movie touring Australia. Kez has accepted the challenges of life with passion as a creative author and encourages you all to do so. “Now with all I have been offered, I can now help you take your book to the rest of the world which is the Why in my life. It’s a pleasure to be invited to these many platforms to encourage and mentor you to write your story.” I have found that the ripple effect is an amazing tool to

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